Vanamo kantoliina

Vanamo on Liinalapsen oma laadukas kudottu kantoliinamallisto. Vanamo kantoliinat on suunniteltu ja valmistettu Suomessa. Vanamoista löytyy sopiva liina niin vastasyntyneelle kuin taaperollekin. Käytämme kantoliinojen materiaaleina turvallisia korkealaatuisia luonnonkuituja: pehmoista luomupuuvillaa, miellyttävää merinovillaa ja eurooppalaista laadukasta pellavaa.

Kudottu kantoliina on monien mielestä paras apuväline vauvan kantamiseen: kantoliinan käytön voi aloittaa jo vastasyntyneellä ja sama liina sopii lapselle koko kantoiän ajalle. Kantoliina soveltuu erilaisiin tarpeisiin, ja sidontoja löytyy edessä, lonkalla ja selässä kantamiseen.

Vanamo-kantoliinan kankaat ovat vinojoustavia, minkä ansiosta kangas mukautuu hyvin sidonnassa sekä tukee lasta ja kantajaa optimaalisesti. Erilaisten kangastyyppien ansiosta jokaisen on helpompi löytää itselleen sopiva kantoliina. Kunkin kantoliinan kohdalla on kerrottu lyhyesti kankaan ominaisuuksista ja annettu vinkkejä käytön suhteen. Käyttöohjeista löydät kuvitetut ohjeet useaan sidontaan.

Lue vinkkejä kantoliinan valintaan ja kantamiseen

Millainen kantoliina on Vanamo?

Kotimainen Vanamo-kantoliina on ekologinen, lähellä tuotettu vaihtoehto: kankaat on suunniteltu Suomessa, ja ne myös kudotaan kotimaassa: osa Liinalapsen omassa kutomossa Turussa ja osa Espoossa Kultavillan pienkutomossa. Kantoliinat viimeistellään Liinalapsen ompelimossa.

Tavoitteenamme on tarjota korkealaatuisia ja erityisiä kantoliinoja myös vaativaan makuun. Kankaat ja mallit on suunniteltu huolella tähtäimessä erinomainen kantoliina. Emme ole tinkineet tuotteen materiaaleissa tai valmistuksessa, vaan valitsemme lopputuloksen kannalta parhaan mahdollisen vaihtoehdon.

Haluamme tarjota sekä iloisen värikkäitä että hillityn tyylikkäitä kantoliinoja, joista löytyy sopiva liina jokaiseen makuun, mielialaan ja tilanteeseen. Kantoliinakankaan ominaisuuksiin vaikuttavat mm. käytetyt langat, sidos, kankaan tiheys ja paksuus. Vanamo-liinoissa on ominaisuuksiltaan erilaisia vaihtoehtoja niin materiaalien kuin kankaan sidoksen ja tiheyden suhteen.

100 % puuvillaliinat ovat huolettomia ja hyviä perusliinoja. Puuvillaiset vanamot ovat joko keskipaksuja tai paksuja kantoliinoja. Jos tuntuu, että vaihtoehtoja on liikaa ja valitseminen on vaikeaa, suosittelemme keskipaksua puuvilla Vanamoa: se on sopivan pehmeä ja notkea vauvalle sekä riittävän tukeva myös taaperon kantamiseen. Pellavaliinoista ohuemmat laadut ovat viileitä kesäliinoina - paksut pellavaliinat taas ovat erittäin tukevia taaperoliinoja. Merinovillaisella kantoliinalla on ihan omanlaisensa tuntu: villa antaa liinalle joustavuutta, mutta kangas pitää kuitenkin hyvin muotonsa ja on tukeva. Villaliina lämmittää talvella, ja vastasyntynytkin on ihana kietoa pehmeään villaiseen Vanamoon.

Vanamo kantoliinoja on kolmea leveyttä: 60 cm, 68 cm ja 72 cm. Kapeimmat liinat löytyvät Pienen vauvan kantaminen kategoriasta. Solki liinat ovat noin 65-68 cm leveitä ja suuri osa Kide ja Pitsi liinoista noin 70-72 cm.

Vanamo-liinojen suunnittelu

Jokainen kantoliinamalli on pitkän suunnitteluprosessin tulos. Tavoitteenamme on valmistaa erinomaisia kantoliinoja, ja kukin liinamalli on erityinen omalla tavallaan. Ideoita Vanamo-liinoille haemme Suomen monimuotoisesta luonnosta, kansanperinteestä ja taruista.

Suunnittelutyö lähtee yleensä liikkeelle omasta visiostani. Saamme suunnittelutyöhön apua ammattitaitoisilta tekstiilisuunnittelijoilta (KH-Design, Karkelo). Suunnitelijoiden ehdotuksista valitsemme tuotantoon mallin, joka täyttää tavoitteet niin kankaan teknisiltä ominaisuuksilta kuin visuaalisestikin. Teemme uudesta mallista koeliinoja, jotka testataan käytännössä ja koepestään. Yhdessä kutojamestarin kanssa haemme kankaalle lopullisen optimaalisen tiheyden ja paksuuden.

Eettinen tuotanto ja ekologiset materiaalivalinnat

Vanamo-liinat valmistetaan kokonaan kotimaisin voimin: kangas kudotaan Liinalapsen omassa kutomossa Turussa sekä Espoossa Kultavilla Oy:n kutomossa, ja kantoliinojen ompelukin tapahtuu Suomessa. Monet työvaiheet tehdään käsityönä. Kantoliinat valmistetaan piensarjoina. Käytämme kankaissa GOTS-sertifioitua saksalaisen kehräämön valmistamaa luomupuuvillaa, Italialaista hyvälaatuista pellavaa (Masters of Linen) sekä saksalaisen valmistajan pehmeää merinovillaa. Kaikilla langoilla on myös Öko-tex 100-sertifikaatti, mikä takaa, ettei langoissa ole vaarallisia kemikaalijäämiä.

Pesu ja hoito-ohjeita

Suuri osa Vanamo-kantoliinoista on konepestäviä. Suosittelemme kantoliinalle pesua ennen käyttöönottoa sillä kangas tiivistyy ensimmäisessä pesussa ja saavuttaa optimaalisen tiheyden ja paksuuden. Kantoliina myös pehmenee ja notkistuu pesujen myötä. 100 % puuvillaiselle liinalle suositeltava pesulämpötila on 40 astetta, pellavaa sisältävät liinat pestään myös 40 asteessa ja merinovillaiset Vanamot 30 asteessa villaohjelmalla. Silkkille suosittelemme käsinpesua. Pesuaineeksi käy esimerkiksi nestemäinen pesuaine (villaliinalle hienopesuaine) - huuhteluainetta emme suosittele. Kantoliinan voi kuivata narulla. Puuvillaisen ja pellavaisen liinan voi myös rumpukuivata, mikä nopeuttaa liinan pehmenemistä mukavasti. Muistathan kuitenkin, että rumpukuivaus kuluttaa kangasta nopeammin jatkuvassa käytössä. Villaa sisältävää kantoliinaa ei saa rumpukuivata. Puuvillaisen ja pellavaisen liinan voi silittää keskikuumalla tai kuumalla raudalla. Höyrysilitys pehmentää kangasta ihanasti, ja se on erityisen suositeltavaa pellavaiselle kantoliinalle. Villaliinan voi silittää viileimmällä asetuksella.

Showing products 241-255 / 255

Vanamo ring sling Kide Laventeli
Sold out
Vanamo Ring Sling Kide Karkki
Sold out
Vanamo Baby Wrap Kide Vesi
-20% Sold out

Vanamo Woven Wrap Kide Vesi, newborn

196,00 € 245,00 €
Vanamo Babywrap Metsänkeiju
Sold out
Vananmo baby wrap Kide Kaiho
Sold out
Vanamo Baby Wrap Kide Katve
Sold out
Vanamo Ring Sling Kide Katve
Sold out
Vanamo ring sling Kide Kaiho
Sold out
Vanamo babywrap Pujo
Sold out
25 cm of fabric
Sold out

25 cm of fabric

11,00 €
Vanamo Ring Sling Kide Pujo
Sold out
Your shopping cart is empty

Terms and conditions

These terms are valid from 14.5.2020 on.

Wearababy Online Shop

Liinalapsi Oy is the seller of the online shops,, and The shop is selling products to private person of legal age and to companies world wide with the following exceptions:

To United States we ship: Vanamo woven wraps and ring slings, Girasol baby wraps, Wompat SSC baby carriers, Wompat ILO baby carriers, Wompat wrap tai carriers, bags, fabrics and accessories.

Minimum order to United Kingdom is 135 GBP (about 155 Euros) and the value is calculated from the VAT free prices. You will be able to see the VAT 0 % prices after logging in and typing your shipping address. The customer will pay for the taxes and possible customs fees at receipt.

All prices are in euros and are inclusive of VAT when the shipping address is in the EU area. VAT shall be deducted from the orders outside EU. Shipping costs are added to the price. Liinalapsi Oy reserves the right to change the prices and shipping costs. Changes to the shipping costs made by post will be applied in times notified by post. Please note: if your shipping address is outside EU, you will pay for the taxes and possible customs fees at receipt.

You can change the currency at the top left corner (computer screen) or the menu at the top right corner (mobile screen). By changing the currency you can easily check the costs in your currency. Please note that during check out the currency will be in Euros and we will accept payment only in Euros.

Shipping address & visiting address

Customer returns and fabrics for custom made baby carriers shall be sent to the following address. You may also collect the orders from Wearababy’s warehouse. Please make an appointment beforehand!

Liinalapsi Oy
Leipäläntie 49
20300 Turku

+358 44 5943011



Products are ordered by adding them to the shopping cart and making payment at the online payment service. You may also order by email: Let us know all the details of your order, your shipping address, phone number and the preferred method of payment. Custom made products can only be ordered by email.

All customer information are processed confidentially. Your contact information are not used for any other purpose than delivery of your order or contacting you, if there are any confusion or problems with the order, unless mentioned otherwise. The customer agrees to the terms and conditions valid at the time of each order.

Methods of payment

Available methods of payment are international bank transfer, PayPal and Paytrail which offers online bank payments (Finnish banks), Apple Pay and credit cards (Visa, Visa Electron, Mastercard, American Express).

At the check out process when you offer personal information, you will agree to the terms and conditions of Checkout Finland. By clicking the "Buy" button you will agree to the general terms and conditions of Wearababy.

Confirmation of order and payment

After we have received your order we will immediately send you an order confirmation by email, where you will be able to see all the details of your order. Please always check the content of order confirmation. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service immediately. Save the onder confirmation for the future, if you need to contact us. While contacting the customer service, always keep your order id number and customer id number available. Please check that the content of the delivery matches with the products at order confirmation.

The contact information for our customer service are:

Liinalapsi Oy
Leipäläntie 49
20300 Turku

+358 44 5943011


We aim to reply to all emails within two business days. In case you do not receive a reply, please call or send SMS/Whatsapp or resend the email and check that your email is functioning (junk mail folder!). We inform about possible vacations and delays at the front page.

Delivery methods and costs

The delivery costs include shipping and packing costs. We will show an estimate of delivery costs at the shopping cart according to the primary delivery method available. You will be able to see the accurate delivery costs after you have chosen the payment and delivery methods that you want. The available delivery methods depend on the content of your shopping cart and the total weight. You may choose the delivery method best suited to you at check out. You will then see the exact cost of that delivery method. In Finland we deliver by Posti and Matkahuolto. In Europe the delivery options are GLS and UPS. Outside of Europe we deliver by Post Priority, Post EMS and UPS.

Delivery time

Our most common delivery times depend on the content of the order and delivery method. Any exceptions on the delivery time estimate is told, if there are any products in the shopping cart that are out of stock and we will inform you also about all possible delays immediately after order. We will not be liable for delays caused by force majeure or by changes beyond our control.

All in-stock products are usually shipped within 1-3 business days after your payment is cleared. We usually ship on Mondays and Thursdays. Small variation in shipping dates is possible due to vacations and national holidays. Any longer delays in shipping times is informed on the front page of our online shop. In Finland the delivery time is usually 2-6 business days. In Europe 3-6 business days by GLS or 1-4 days by UPS. Delivery time to United States, Canada and Asian countries is usually 2-4 business days by UPS or 1-2 weeks by Post EMS.

Terms of return

Right of withdrawal

You have the right to cancel this agreement within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period ends within 14 days starting from the day you received the last shipment, or in the case of downloadable products, from the moment you received the order.

In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, you must notify us of your decision to cancel the agreement in an unambiguous way (for example, by mail or by email). You can also use our printable return form, but its use is not mandatory.

To comply with the deadline for withdrawal, it is sufficient that you submit your notice of cancellation before the end of the withdrawal period.

Effects of withdrawal

Return of a defective product – No costs to the customer:

If the product you have ordered is defective or if you have received a wrong product you are entitled to cancel the order within 14 days of the receipt of the product. The product should be returned within 14 days after the cancellation. Liinalapsi will then pay for the costs of the return and compensate the paid product price and shipping costs to the customer. The compensation shall be payable after we have received the product and checked its condition. The returned product must be unused, unwashed and in its original condition. Please send the cancellation notice by email: and include your name, contact information, order number and account number in case you paid by wire transfer. Identify also the defect in the product. We will arrange a pick up with the courier (GLS, UPS) and they will usually pick up the delivery during business hours. It is also possible to send the product by using your local postal service and inform us the tracking code and the shipping cost for the compensation.

Product returns shall be sent to:

Liinalapsi Oy

Leipäläntie 49

20300 Turku


Liinalapsi is not responsible if the returned product is damaged because of negligent packaging.

Cancelling and returning an order – Return costs payable by the customer:

Did you not like the color of the baby sling? Or did the baby carrier not feel good? Don’t worry, you are entitled to cancel the order within 14 days after receipt of the product. The product must be returned to us within 14 days after the cancellation is sent. The returned product must be unused, unwashed and in its original condition. Please send the cancellation notice by email: and include your name, contact information, order number and bank account number in case you paid by bank transfer. Customer shall pay for the costs of return. We will compensate you the price of product + original shipping costs. The compensation shall be payable after we have received the product and checked its condition. Return the product by post as a package and inform us the tracking code. Return post fare in Finland is 7,90€.

Failure to collect the delivery

If the customer does not pick up the delivery and does not send us a cancellation notification within 14 days from receiving the order, we will charge the customer all the costs of delivery: cost of sending the order to the customer as well as the return postage costs.

Problem situations

If you have any questions about our products or ordering, we are happy to help you. You may contact us by e-mail: or WhatsApp. You can also call us during business hours (9 AM to 4 PM). If ordering at our online shop does not work for some reason, you can also send the order by e-mail.

If you need help using our products or caring for them, please contact us!

If your order is missing or broken during the delivery, or you receive a faulty product, you will have to inform us within 14 days by writing. If the package is clearly damaged during transportation, please contact the delivery courier immediatelly.

Product warranty and Liinalapsi’s liability

The products manufactured by Liinalapsi (Wompat baby carrier, Vanamo baby wrap and ring sling and Wompat bags) are granted a product warranty of one year from the date of order confirmation. The warranty covers the defects due to manufacturing and material. The warranty shall not cover defects due to improper or uninstructed use or handling of the product.

Defect liability of Liinalapsi shall be according to the Finnish consumer protection act. The liability of Liinalapsi shall be limited to the purchase price of the product. Liinalapsi shall not be responsible for any indirect or consequential damages. The foregoing shall not limit the liability of Liinalapsi according to the Finnish consumer protection act.

Governing law and dispute resolution

These terms and conditions and any order of customer shall be governed by Finnish law, excluding however the applicability of CISG.

Any disagreements concerning the contract shall be primarily solved by negotiations. If the disagreement may not be solved by negotiations, you may take the dispute to the Consumer Disputes Board ( Before taking the matter to the Consumer Disputes Board you should contact the consumer advisors at Logal Register Offices ( Competent court shall be a city court of either customer’s or Liinalapsi’s domicile in Finland or, if customer does not have a domicile in Finland, city court of Liinalapsi’s domicile.